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Enhancing the Device Location Map’s Appearance

The device location map in the Devices Availability section and the “Map” widget on dashboards now display all connected devices across a wide area by default, grouping them into clusters instead of focusing on a single device. As you zoom in, clusters break down into smaller groups. If multiple devices share the same location, clicking on a cluster will show all the devices within it.

Enhancing the Device Location Map's Appearance Enhancing the Device Location Map's Appearance Enhancing the Device Location Map's Appearance

Complete list of updates from July 4, 2024


  • Support for clustering on the map and auto zoom to display more devices on the map by default.

Fixed bugs:

  • The platform shows incorrect product statistics on the “Number of devices in each version now” page.
  • Some titles aren’t localized on the Map tooltip on the admin panel.
  • The step isn’t set by default in the Slider settings on the admin panel after creating this widget from the device management page.

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