
The Statistics section allows you to view detailed statistics of the vendor's devices. The page has four tabs:

  • Number of devices by date.
  • Number of devices of the required version by date.
  • Number of devices in each version now.
  • Number of users with devices.

The Statistics section

By default, each of the tabs displays statistics for all vendor products. You can select individual products in the “Choose a product” drop-down list to show statistics for them only.

The Statistics section

The Statistics section

Use the “Advanced search” link to sort graphs by additional criteria (the set of criteria varies depending on the tab).

The Statistics section

The Statistics section

Use the Day / Week / Month switcher to build a graph with the corresponding time intervals.

The Statistics section

The Statistics section

The Statistics section

Use the graph view switcher to display statistics as a line chart or bar graph.

The Statistics section

The Statistics section

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