White label web app publishing checklist

Please note that the 2Smart team can take care of most of the steps below for an additional fee.

1. Domain name for the admin panel

You need to select a domain name that the platform administrators and users will use to log into it.

2. Virtual or physical server for deploying the platform

The server is used to deploy a web application and connect devices and a mobile application.

Please give us access to a server with the characteristics below and an associated domain. Also, provide certificates for a secure connection, or we can generate Let's Encrypt certificates for you.


  • Ubuntu 20 (or 22)
  • Docker 19 and docker compose v1.27

System requirements

  • CPU: 4 cores
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • DISK: 100GB+

3. SSL certificates

You can provide your SSL certificates, or we can generate certificates from Let's Encrypt.

4. SMTP credentials for sending emails

The platform's functionality involves automatically sending emails to users. For example, notifications about user registration by administrator or account verification emails. To send them, we need the following SMTP credentials:

  • username;
  • password;
  • host;
  • port.

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